Customers I love: Gaworecki

Friday, February 1, 2013

Meet the Gaworecki family!

I met Leslie in 2005 when I was going on appointments to interview photographers for my wedding. I had met with one other person the day before and I had one more appointment the following day.  I texted my wedding planner when I left her house - cancel tomorrows, no to yesterdays guy - this is the girl for me! To this day I treasure her friendship and I am so grateful to have done some fun things for her all along the years! The first part of the post will be me gushing about her as a person and showcasing some of the projects we have worked on together, and the second part of this post will be me gushing about her as a photographer and pointing you in her direction! 

She ordered things from me - even though she didn't live anywhere near me and she ordered things from me - even though I was new and still figuring out how to do everything. She is friendly and kind, fiercely loyal, she loves her boys (all 4 of them) desperately, and such a good friend. Not a good friend in a cliche kind of way but in the kind of way that she cares what is happening in your life, she makes an effort in between her crazy schedule and when we meet, no matter the number of days between our last meeting we pick up right where we left off - it is comfortable and bubbly conversation that I never want to end! And one day on my birthday she brought me a lunch bag (that I still use to this day) full of candy! What more can I say?! 

Greyson's third birthday
Asher's 1st Birthday

Greyson's 4th Superhero

Boys Combo Party
Besides doing things for her boys, I did a few things for her business and her personal blog

Ok, now onto what a fantastic photographer she is! She took gorgeous pictures of our wedding that we still look back on today - thankful that we have them, thankful that we found her, and thankful that she said yes! She still takes pictures of our family and we will keep asking her to do that as long as she keeps saying yes! Here are a few of the fantastic things she has done for us! Head over to her website and check her out - you won't be sorry.  Love, love, love this talented girl!

(to be fair, Leslie did not take this pic, my neighbor did b/c of scheduling, just didn't want to leave out Andrew!)

She also took some pics of some of my wedding invites and made them look amazing!

Thank you so much for all that you do! xoxo


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